Tips For Studying Chemistry

Chemistry is a subject that is a matter of understanding and not of mugging up. Parents need to understand that for some child it takes time. Persistent concentration and practice can help someone to understand chemistry very easily. At Dr. Pravesh Kumar Classes one can receive the best home based tuition. We will teach you how to know to understand the chemistry course in a structured manner. We will teach you the various fields of chemistry whether it is inorganic or organic or physical or analytical or even biochemistry at high levels.


  1. Bird’s Eye View

We help to give you a bird’s eye view of your entire chemistry subject right from the start. At Dr. Pravesh Kumar Classes we help you read the entire course syllabus context and even explain you through various means. Parents should understand that chemistry is progressive which ranges from simple to complex stages. So if your child is weak in chemistry that does not mean that one cannot continue with the subject. We give Chemistry Home Teacher in Gurgaon as our way of teaching is to strengthen the base of the subject.

  1. Our Methods

We make the student learn various terms and symbols of chemistry so that your child could understand the formulas very easily. We help them to write the definition in their own words. In this way, the student not only learns efficiently but also quickly memorizes the knowledge effectively. We help them to understand the chemical substances and the chemical formulas. After every session, we give them a workout of 10 minutes so that your child can review the problems. The proficiency comes in solving the problem which in turn increases the practice. By solving a problem on their own we help them to be confident on their own. This helps them to learn more. Chemistry Tutor Gurgaon helps them to identify and understand the distinct related chemical items such as electron and proton. At Dr. Pravesh Kumar Classes we provide facts, concept, good generalization that is more easily understandable in lucid words and sentences. Through our lectures, one can understand very easily. Before taking tests we ensure that your child has studied the chapter at least three times. We make them practice summaries, graphs, charts, and tables.

  1. Our Strategies for exams

We help them to write and understand all the explanation after the test so that they can cover their mistakes. By capturing the line of reasoning and using our lecture we ensure that your child has captured the essence of the chapter. Chemistry Home Teacher in Gurgaon provides personal attention to your children where they can talk about learning the concept. While explaining the concept, we correct their mistakes in the understanding. We ensure that your child answers the questions quickly as we provide quick notes so your child can read it and understand easily at the time of exams. We ensure that your child has done lots of practices and workouts. As we conduct mock test we ensure that your child doesn’t get nervous during the exams and gives his/her 100% efforts.

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